Anfeh survey

Created at 2.3.2017


In 2015 a prehistoric survey was undertaken by Dirk Leder in collaboartaion with Prof. Nadine Panayot Haroun from the Department of Archaeology and Museology at the University of Balamand, Lebanon. Due to the assistance of a local hobby archaeologist, Dipl. Ing. George Sassine, we were able to evaluate 40 sites (caves, rock shelter and open-air sites) wherof 22 yieleded lithic materials. The bulk of sites preseved Middle and Epipalaeolithic/PPN materials respectively, while Neolithic, Lower Palaeolithic and sparse Upper Plaeolithic artefacts were also found in a few sites. The results yet await publication. However, an overview of an ongoing Ethno-archaeological project by the University of Balamand can be obtained here ( DOI: 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.3.4.0396).

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